Indulge in special cuisine at HAL YAMASHITA
Famous juicy strawberries of Tochigi called "Tochiotome."
Strawberries produced by Farm Heart&Berry are the first choice by top-ranking chefs.
Only this tour offers guests to enjoy special fusion cuisine of the strawberries and Japanese dishes at HAL YAMASHITA.
Have a fabulous time enjoying unique dishes...
- 日程
■Date: February 24 (Saturday), 2018
- 時間
■Time: 17:00~ Open reception, 17:30~ Dinner
- 旅行代金
■Fee: 19,800yen per guest (Included tax and service charge)
※ Inclusive of appetizer, coffee or tea
※ Extra charge for wine and alcohol
※ Payment must be made by bank deposit in advance
(bank account)
Farmers forest enishi travel-guchi
Ashikaga Bank, Tomatsuri branch
- 集合場所
Address: Tokyo MidTown D-0119, 9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052
Phone number: 03-5413-0086
- 持ち物
-Tour maximum 30 persons
-No dress code
February 24 (Saturday), 2018
-Special fusion cuisine with strawberries
20:00 Dinner end
Executive chef and owner of HAL YAMASHITA.
Born in Ashiya, Kobe in 1969.
HAL's sense of taste has influenced and developed in Kobe where he grew up.
Since he has traveled and learned in many other countries,
different cultures and culinary styles have let him develop his own fusion style of cooking.
えにしトラベル 本社営業所
栃木県知事登録旅行業第2-677号総合旅行業務取扱管理者: 須藤 香 えにしトラベル(株式会社ファーマーズ・フォレスト)
〒321-2118 宇都宮市新里町丙254番地(道の駅うつのみやろまんちっく村内)